Back in early March 2011, I entered my relatively new and largely unheard of social enterprise into the "Leading Moms in Business" competition. I ran across the website earlier and saw the companies listed from last year and thought it seemed like a great way to try to get some more exposure for the good work we (my many supporters and I) are trying to accomplish.

Throughout March and April my friends, fans, and even strangers voted for us. We inched closer and closer to that "On Fire!" designation which would appear when we reached 500 votes. We attained that, and so much more.

We ended the competition with just shy of 800 votes and placed #38 out of the almost 500 companies that entered the competition. I received official notification of our win this morning, April 28, 2011 along with a 2011 Winner graphic and press release information. I will be sending out the press release in the coming days and hope to see more publicity for our cause.

I know this business is helping at least one woman overcome issues with low self esteem, and I certainly hope we are touching the lives of many more through our donations to women's shelters. It doesn't take much…a kind word, a warm hug - you could make all the difference to a woman in need. Get a blanket, give a blanket - share warmth, comfort, and love.

Thank you for being a part of this experience, spreading the word, and sharing the warmth. Your involvement and support mean the world to me.


Don't need a blanket for yourself? Donate both blankets!

View our contest page

Read about the 2011 competition

See all of the 2011 winners

Browse all of the contestants

View our press release
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