PRESS RELEASE - Women Owned Business Survey

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
        Leslie Armstrong McLeod


Spring Grove based Blanket Statements is among the nearly three out of four women-owned businesses nationally that support charitable causes with company revenue
In a survey of more than 140 female entrepreneurs from across the nation, conducted by, 71.4% report donating funds to support a favored charity or cause. The most popular cause: women, children and families

SPRING GROVE, IL - JANUARY 14, 2011 - Blanket Statements is among the many women-owned businesses that give back to their community through their companies. Blanket Statements participated in the first annual national survey of female entrepreneurs conducted by Newport Beach, CA-based, the newswire for women-owned business. Among the survey findings: nearly three out of four companies that are majority-owned by women dedicate a portion of their revenue to organizations and charities that are close to their hearts, many sharing their profits with more than one charity or group. The greatest beneficiaries of the success of female entrepreneurs are nonprofits that support women, children and families.

"As a woman recently separated after twenty years of marriage I wanted to provide support to other women who are experiencing the isolation and low self-esteem issues I did," stated Leslie Armstrong McLeod, owner of Blanket Statements. "Purchase of a blanket from Blanket Statements results in an additional identical blanket being donated to a women's shelter to provide warmth, comfort and love to a woman in need." queried more than 140 female entrepreneurs from all parts of the country on a number of issues related to their women-owned businesses, including their philanthropic strategies. The online survey was open from November 15 through December 31, 2010. In addition, the survey asked respondents how they funded their businesses, how many people they currently employ, what they need to take their businesses to the next level, etc. Those participating in the survey own businesses ranging from startups to multi-million-dollar companies.

When asked if they support a charitable cause through their business 71.4% said yes. While they support a wide range of organizations, most reported sharing their profits with organizations that support disadvantaged children and families.

A random sample of women-owned companies that participated in the survey, along with the charities they support, follows:

Los Angeles, CA
Charity/Cause: Make it Right - Brad Pitt's organization to help Katrina victims

Blanket Statements
Spring Grove, IL
Charity/Cause: Battered women/Women's shelters

Fortis Resource Partners
Irvine, CA
Charity/Cause: Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Orange County and Ronald McDonald House

Myrtle Beach Web Design Inc.
Little River, SC
Charity/Cause: Humane Society and several other animal charities

Global Language Solutions
Aliso Viejo, CA
Charity/Cause: Talk About Curing Autism (TACA), Whole Child International, Remote Area Medical, and an organization for the elderly in St. Petersburg, Russia

Lakewood Valet
Dallas, TX
Charity/Cause: Pet Orphanages
Venice, FL
Charity/Cause: Moose International - help and housing for underserved

Tight Assets, Laguna Beach, CA
Charity/Cause: Laguna Playhouse, American Heart Assoc., Chapman University etc.

Purry Communications Group, L.A.
Charity/Cause: The Rescue Train with Race for the Rescues will commit a portion of its profits to with the mission to assist economically challenged women business owners with micro loans.

About Blanket Statements

Blanket Statements, an online retailer based in Spring Grove, IL was founded with the simple goal to provide physical warmth, spiritual comfort and love by means of sharing a blanket. For each blanket purchased an additional identical blanket is donated to a women's shelter and includes a personal note or uplifting statement for the woman in need. It is a simple premise - get a blanket - give a blanket. Share warmth, comfort and love.

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